Hooray! for vampires on mainstream tv. We need more of it.
That's where my delight in this series ended. Two words: WHINY HEROINE.
God, she's awful. I just wanted to punch her from scene 2, ep one, and it didn't get better. I'm sure she can't be like that in the books, or they wouldn't be such a hit.
TV Sookie invades people's privacy and then complains like a squashed skunk when people do the same to her. She complains all the time without a thought for any one else's problems. And even though she's almighty perky (my, is she perky. TV Sookie: hey, bar patron whom I so clearly think I'm better than, can you see how perky I am? No? Can I push my titties out just a little more? See now? No? How's about I wiggle my tush? Get it now? Great. kthxbai) if a guy should find her attractive, that's a mortal sin. What a be-yatch.
TV Sookie is the Thought Police. News flash, Sookie: people are entitled to think what they like, even if it offends your virginal little sensibilities.
Oh yeah. Did I not mention she's a virgin? Riiiiight.
And she's so self-absorbed. Everything has to be about her. Example: ep 2, where Bill tastes her blood for the first time.
TV Sookie: "Do I taste different to everyone else?"
Spew. I was so hoping Bill would say, no, actually, you're common as dirt, girl :)
And what's with dressing up in a white nightie and running out into the forest? What a princess.
The series wasn't a total loss. Redeeming features:
1) Bill. He's a clumsy fool, but he's kinda cool. This actor makes a much better vampire in Ultraviolet, btw. See:
3) Lafayette. Sassy. Alas, he's no more.
4) Rene being the killer. I like Rene. Pity he didn't kill Sookie too. Stay in the grave, Sookie.
Rant over. I was disappointed. I'll get over it. And, I'll probably watch Season Two. Even if just to see Eric in that muscle shirt again.
That's enough outa me -- what did you guys think of this series? Hit or miss?