Thursday, February 19, 2009

the place for a village

Melbourne, that is. That's what the founder, John Batman, is meant to have said when he got there in 1835.

Now, it's the place for shopping, cricket and the best Italian food ever.

It's also the place for my book, Shadowfae. There are fairies there, you know. Just gotta look properly, and hang out at the right clubs. But we'll talk about that later.


More importantly, it's the place for a convention. The Australian Romance Readers Convention, to be precise. I'll be there over the weekend, meeting authors and chatting with readers and indulging assorted romance-related mayhem. Mmm. I see chocolate in my future.


I'll be back next week with a con report and some pics.


And we'll talk about vampires and why they'll never go out of style no matter what People say, and how Brad Pitt changed the face of paranormal romance before we even really knew who he was, and what Vince Colosimo has to do with any of it.


See you soon!


  1. Heyya Erica,
    Thanks for a blast in Melbourne. It was great catching up with you again and your wicked sense of humour. You'll be the first person I share the granny hunter with.

  2. Hey Angie! Melbourne was indeed a blast. It was great to see you again. And I'm hangin' out for that cane-wielding vamp hunter :)
    P.S. We lost track of your lovely 'Accompaniment' after you left... Sorry about that. I hope she didn't feel abandoned :(

  3. Hey roomie! I think we kept surrounding guest up nights with all that chatting. Never mind.
    Pics coming up :)
