Wednesday, December 23, 2009

shady day two

Day Two

A sultry 31 degrees C in Newcastle this morning. It's shaping up for a scorchin' hawt Christmas Day. And the day two winner is... ... ... mamma_d !!

Congrats! Your SHADOWFAE is on its way. Don't feed it after midnight. I warned you.

Only four shady days left. Only four more signed copies of SHADOWFAE, and one fabulous SHADOWGLASS ARC. 

These books are cluttering up my desk. They have to go. The need is urgent. The danger is real. Get these books out of my house!! ... or out of my agent's office, as the case may be.

You still have time to enter, or do more entries if you haven't won yet. Tweet me, blog me, the usual. Contest details here.


  1. Congrats momma_d.
    I tweeted this contest.

  2. Tweeted about contest again:

  3. contest
    I think I left my message again on day one. I hope you get them from that post.

  4. Congrats mama_d!!!!
    jackie B Central Texas
